Double Offset vs Triple Offset Butterfly Valve

A katup kupu-kupu adalah jenis katup industri yang umum. Ini menggunakan cakram bundar seperti kupu-kupu untuk mengontrol aliran. Katup kupu-kupu mampu mengontrol aliran cairan melalui pipa tanpa berdampak signifikan pada sisi lainnya. 

Katup kupu-kupu dirancang untuk menjadi opsi yang sangat efisien saat mengontrol aliran melalui pipa, yang menghemat waktu dan uang. Manfaatnya menjadikannya pilihan yang sangat disukai di banyak aplikasi.

Ada berbagai jenis katup kupu-kupu yang tersedia di pasaran. Dua jenis yang paling umum adalah katup kupu-kupu double offset dan triple offset. Perbedaan utama antara katup kupu-kupu double-offset dan triple-offset adalah strukturnya. Dalam model double-offset, batang dan cakram menyimpang dari pusatnya. Ini menghasilkan lebih sedikit gesekan dan kompresi berlebih, yang meningkatkan masa pakai katup. 

Jika Anda ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang perbedaan antara katup kupu-kupu double offset dan triple offset, lanjutkan membaca artikel ini. 

Apa itu Katup Kupu-kupu Offset Ganda?

Katup kupu-kupu offset ganda dicirikan oleh dua kontras penyeimbang. Offset pertama berada di dekat bagian tengah badan katup, tempat batang terpasang. Offset ini memungkinkan katup menutup tanpa gesekan, sedangkan offset kedua memungkinkan katup terbuka dengan gesekan minimal. Artinya bisa digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi. 

Katup kupu-kupu offset ganda berbeda dari katup kupu-kupu simetris dalam dua cara utama. Yang pertama adalah disk itu sendiri. Piringan berbentuk seperti oval, sedangkan yang kedua sejajar dengan aliran. Disk juga berubah bentuk dengan cara yang unik. Bentuknya yang asimetris memungkinkannya mengurangi kehilangan tekanan sekaligus mengurangi keausan jok. Selain itu, ia mampu mengakomodasi beberapa mode operasi.

Pros of Double Offset Butterfly Valve

Reduced Wear and Tear

The design of the double offset butterfly valve significantly reduces wear and tear on the valve seat and disc. 

The offset shaft and cone-shaped sealing mechanism allow for a tight seal with minimal friction during operation, contributing to increased durability.

Lower Operating Torque

Compared to the traditional butterfly valve, the double offset design requires lower operating torque. 

This means that the valve can be easily and efficiently actuated, making it suitable for applications where lower torque requirements are advantageous.

Extended Service Life

The reduced friction and wear, combined with lower operating torque, contribute to an extended service life for double-offset butterfly valves. 

This makes them a cost-effective choice in the long run, as they require less frequent maintenance and replacement.

Enhanced Sealing Performance

The double offset configuration improves the sealing performance of the valve. 

The offset shaft allows the disc to move away from the seat rapidly during the initial opening, minimizing contact and reducing wear. 

This results in improved sealing integrity over time.

Versatility in Applications

Double offset butterfly valves are versatile and find applications in various industries, including oil and gas, petrochemical, water treatment, and more. 

Their ability to handle high pressures and temperatures makes them suitable for diverse operating conditions.

Cons of Double Offset Butterfly Valve


Double-offset butterfly valves can be more expensive upfront compared to traditional butterfly valves. 

The advanced design and materials used in manufacturing contribute to a higher initial cost. 

However, this cost may be justified by the long-term benefits.

Desain Kompleks

The double-offset butterfly valve has a more complex design than the standard butterfly valve. 

The additional features, such as the offset shaft and cone-shaped sealing mechanism, may require more intricate manufacturing processes, potentially increasing maintenance complexities.

Limited to Certain Sizes

While suitable for various applications, double-offset butterfly valves are more commonly available in larger sizes. 

This limitation may affect their use in smaller pipelines or applications where space is a constraint.

Sensitive to Contaminants

The precision required for the sealing mechanism makes double-offset butterfly valves sensitive to contaminants in the fluid. 

Particles or debris in the flow may impact the sealing performance, requiring proper filtration and maintenance.

Potential for Cavitation

In certain conditions, double-offset butterfly valves may be susceptible to cavitation, especially during rapid changes in flow. 

Cavitation can lead to erosion and damage to valve components, necessitating careful consideration of operating conditions.

Apa itu Katup Kupu-Kupu Triple Offset?

Offset tiga nama menunjukkan bahwa cakram tidak berada di tengah vertikal dan miring ke atas dan ke bawah. Akibatnya, tampaknya tidak seimbang. Batang menghubungkan cakram ke badan katup dan, pada gilirannya, menciptakan offset ketiga, yang merupakan ketebalan batang dari sisi datar ke ujung yang membulat. Karena itu, katup kupu-kupu tiga offset memiliki kapasitas maksimum yang lebih rendah daripada katup cakram datar.

Katup kupu-kupu tiga offset adalah katup efektif bertekanan tinggi yang memiliki banyak manfaat. Desainnya menampilkan pengaturan penyegelan logam-ke-logam yang secara virtual menghilangkan gesekan cakram ke dudukan, yang menyebabkan keausan dan masa pakai yang lebih pendek. Katup kupu-kupu tiga offset adalah katup kinerja tinggi yang menutup tanpa kebocoran. Sudut offset menghilangkan gesekan antara cincin kursi dan segel, yang menghasilkan penghentian kebocoran nol yang berulang. 

Pros of Triple Offset Butterfly Valve

Bubble-Tight Sealing

The triple offset design provides bubble-tight sealing, ensuring a complete and tight closure of the valve. 

This is particularly advantageous in applications where leakage prevention is critical, such as in high-pressure or hazardous fluid environments.

Minimal Wear and Tear

The continuous contact-less rotation and seating characteristic of the triple offset design result in minimal wear and tear. 

This leads to an extended service life and reduced maintenance requirements, making it a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Ketahanan Suhu Tinggi

Triple offset butterfly valves are suitable for high-temperature applications due to the use of materials that can withstand elevated temperatures. 

This makes them ideal for industries such as petrochemical, refining, and power generation.

Bi-Directional Sealing

The triple offset design allows for bidirectional sealing, meaning the valve can provide effective closure regardless of the flow direction. 

This feature enhances the versatility of the valve and ensures reliable performance in varied operating conditions.

Reduced Torque Requirement

Compared to traditional butterfly valves, triple offset designs generally require lower torque for operation. 

This contributes to efficient actuation and ease of use, especially in large-sized valves.

Cons of Triple Offset Butterfly Valves

Higher Initial Cost

Triple offset butterfly valves tend to have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional butterfly valves. 

The advanced design, precision manufacturing, and high-quality materials contribute to this increased cost. 

However, the long-term benefits may justify the initial investment.

Complex Design and Manufacturing

The intricate design of triple offset butterfly valves, including the conical seating, requires precision manufacturing. 

This complexity can lead to higher production costs and potentially longer lead times for procurement.

Sensitivity to Contaminants

The precision required for the triple offset design makes these valves sensitive to contaminants in the fluid. 

Foreign particles in the flow can affect the sealing mechanism, emphasizing the need for proper filtration and maintenance.

Limited to Certain Sizes

While available in various sizes, triple-offset butterfly valves are more commonly used in larger applications. 

This limitation may impact their use in smaller pipelines or systems where space constraints are a consideration.

Specialized Applications

Triple offset butterfly valves are often chosen for applications where bubble-tight sealing, high temperatures, and bidirectional capabilities are critical. 

However, for less demanding applications, the additional features may not be necessary, making them potentially over-engineered.

Perbedaan antara Katup Kupu-Kupu Double Offset dan Triple Offset

Perbedaan utama antara double offset dan triple offset butterfly valve adalah pada bahan kursi. Sementara katup offset ganda memiliki bahan dudukan yang lembut, triple offset hadir dengan dudukan logam. Perbedaan lainnya adalah sensitivitas tekanan dan fluktuasi suhu. Katup offset ganda sensitif terhadap tekanan dan suhu, tetapi katup offset tiga tidak sensitif.

Katup Kupu-kupu Offset Ganda lebih cocok untuk penyegelan kedap gelembung, sedangkan katup kupu-kupu tiga offset lebih cocok untuk suhu tinggi, tekanan tinggi, dan media abrasif. Selain itu, katup ini memiliki permukaan penyegelan yang tinggi dan membutuhkan perawatan yang lebih sedikit. Ini juga menawarkan masa pakai yang lebih lama daripada katup kupu-kupu offset ganda, yang membuatnya ideal untuk aplikasi yang melibatkan suhu tinggi atau media korosif.

Perbedaan antara katup kupu-kupu offset ganda dan katup kupu-kupu triple offset signifikan. Selain itu, dudukan logam dari katup triple-offset dapat mengakomodasi tekanan yang lebih tinggi daripada versi double-offset dan memerlukan torsi yang lebih sedikit. Selagi katup kupu-kupu flensa ganda lebih murah daripada varietas triple-offset, mereka tidak ideal untuk aplikasi tekanan tinggi dan bahan yang tidak biasa. 

Katup offset ganda memiliki gesekan kursi yang rendah, sedangkan katup offset tiga memiliki gesekan yang sangat rendah. Kursinya adalah katup offset tiga kali lebih lama dari kursi offset ganda. Katup offset tiga kali lipat sering digunakan dalam aplikasi yang parah dan kritis, sedangkan katup offset ganda digunakan untuk fungsi on, off, dan throttling.

XINTAI Valve Group Co., Ltd., established in 1998, stands as a prominent force in the valve manufacturing industry, seamlessly integrating research and development, casting, production, and sales. 

Situated in the Longwan Konggang New District of Wenzhou, the group boasts cutting-edge technologies and operates from four manufacturing bases, equipped with eight advanced casting production lines. 

Their expansive 32,000 square meters workshop houses modern facilities, including R & D centers and operational hubs.

With an impressive annual production exceeding 270,000 valves since the inception of their casting factory in 1998, XINTAI has established itself as one of the largest manufacturers of casting valves in Wenzhou. 

The company’s commitment to quality is evident through its ISO9001 certification, domestic TS security certification, CE, OHSAS18001, and API certifications, ensuring accredited quality and adherence to industry standards.

XINTAI Valve Group takes pride in its leading forging process, crafting valves with exceptional strength suitable for systems with high-pressure and high-temperature requirements. 

The company provides custom valve solutions, offering a comprehensive range of valve products, including the following:

With three strategically positioned offices, two marketing centers, and an inspection center, XINTAI Valve Group continues to be a trusted name in the industrial valve manufacturing sector, delivering reliable and innovative solutions to industries globally.


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